Sharp Investigations Series

A.K.A The Cozy K9 Chronicles

Welcome to the world of Cynthia Sharp, former military police, K-9 handler and world class disaster. Cyn Sharp and her now retired military dog Winnifred Pupperson, are back home in Ohio, trying to find a job and solve a few cases along the way.

Barking for Business will be the first full length novel in the series, following Cyn’s last hurrah in the Army, her discharge and the eventual rise of a criminal mystery that needs to be solved. This book has humor, heart, inappropriate humor and a touch of lust, just because. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry… from laughing so hard and at the end you’ll feel happy. Unlike my last series, the goal of this series is to leave you happy, satisfied and complete. Kind of like eating a bunch of cheese.

Before I launch Barking for Business into the world (OK, while I finish writing it), I have a prequel Novella (Novelette? I haven’t figured out the difference yet)! Know what happened with Cyn in Afghanistan before anyone else by reading the prequel, exclusive to email subscribers. Once it’s ready, I will add the BookFunnel link to join and download.

Impatient to join the Newsletter and stay up to date? Sign up on my main author page. I’m working on integrating my website subscribers into my author emails. Stay tuned and happy tails!

I love this cover!

Download the Novella NOW!!! (just click the cover)